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When we move, different muscles, joints, bones and tendons need to work efficiently against a variety of opposing mechanical forces and stresses. The way the body moves is complex and involves a coordinated effort of different ‘levers and pulleys’ ranging from arm swing to the flexion of the big toe. A lot like a finger print, the way in which you move is unique to you.


As the saying goes, Structure does dictate Function, but given your own unique characteristics, inevitably some tissues are exposed to greater mechanical stresses more than others. Those structures that are exposed to the greatest stress are more likely to show signs of fatigue, wear and tear and injury.


Biomechanical and Gait Assessment is the study of how you move and the relationship between forces and injury.  At Foot Physics we assess the movement of the body as a whole using Video Motion Capture Software and Plantar Pressure Analysis. These tools allow us to quickly and accurately measure what’s working the way it should and what’s not, whether or not there is a problem, where the problems are, whether they require management and if so, what type of management is most likely to bring about the most successful outcome.


The information obtained is really interesting. 


Depending on your specific concerns, our Video Motion analysis can assess a variety of full body movement characteristics such as:


Shoulder Height

Hip extension

Ankle motion

Arm swing

Knee extension

Timing of heel lift

Head tilt

Knee rotation

Foot progression angle

Torso sway (scoliosis)

Peak knee flexion angle

Forefoot pivot

Pelvic rotation / drop

Ground contact angle

Big toe joint motion


Plantar pressure analysis provides real time information on balance and symmetry of pressures and forces acting on the foot and leg. As most pains and injuries in the foot and leg are caused by excessive stresses acting on weakened tissues, measuring the specific way in which forces act on and flow through the foot is an essential tool, particularly when combined with the information of your video motion analysis and physical assessment.


  • If you feel as though you are putting too much pressure on your heel when you walk; we can measure it.

  • If the balls of your feet have become bruised and painful, plantar pressure analysis can measure exactly where the peak stresses are how best to offload and protect the area.

  • If you suffer from osteoarthritis in the knee or hips, we can measure the influence on load transfer and use the information to calculate an appropriate modification.


When we're done analysing, we take the time talking you through what your analysis has revealed so that you can understand it too. The information is very visual and presented on a large screen, using your own analysis matched with anatomical models and where possible, your own x-rays, MRIs and ultrasounds.


The information obtained is securely  stored in our database so that it can be used down the track for comparative analysis. This way we can see how things are changing and make better management decisions as your circumstances change. In addition, when you have been referred by doctor or allied health specialist, we will send a full report of your analysis findings so that they can use the information too. That way, everyone is working together to achieve the best results possible.


© 2024 by Advanced Gait Dynamics Pty Ltd 

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